FirstWare DynamicGroup 5
Dynamische Sicherheitsgruppen in AD.
- Automatisch aktualisierte AD Gruppen
- Bulk + Smart creation von Gruppen
- Exclude- und Include-Listen
- Delegation an lokale IT
- Auflösung von verschachtelten Gruppen (Flat group)
Jetzt 30 Tage testen
Version: DynamicGroup 5.0.3 (29.01.2024)
Bitte beachten: DynamicGroup 5 funktioniert nicht mit einer älteren Lizenz (2020, 2018 und darunter).
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„*“ zeigt erforderliche Felder an
Für ältere Versionen: Link zur DynamicGroup Version 2020
- Definition der Gruppenmitgliedschaften über einen LDAP-Filter
- Smarte Gruppenanlage basierend auf Attributen und OUs
- Bulk Import für Massenanlage hunderter Gruppen
- Verteilte Verwaltung dynamischer Gruppen (Delegation Mode)
- Gruppen als Templates kopieren
- Definition einer Search-Root als Einstiegspunkt
- Definition einer Include-Liste mit ständigen Mitgliedern der Gruppe
- Definition einer Exclude-Liste mit Benutzern, die nie in diese Gruppe gelangen sollen
- Vorschau zur Ansicht der potentiellen Mitglieder
- Konfigurierbarer Intervall oder Zeitpunkt zum Füllen oder Leeren der Gruppe
Auswahl der neuen Funktionen in DynamicGroup 5
Neue Funktionen
- Bessere Performance und höhere Geschwindigkeit bei der Bearbeitung großer dynamischer Gruppen
- Neue Suchfunktion zum schnellen Finden von AD Gruppen
- Einfache Umbenennung von Saved Queries
- Inklusive einer dritten Query-Option „Duplicate Query“
- Neue hilfreiche Filterfunktionen
- Neue Filteroption [never] im Feld „Value“, welche beide AD-Werte für „never“ berücksichtigt
- Komplette Zeitfilter im UTC Zeitformat nutzbar
- Bugfixing bekannter Themen
- Systemvoraussetzungen überarbeitet
Hier geht es zum ausführlichen Release-Artikel: DynamicGroup 5 – Release
Dynamische Gruppen im AD | Dynamische Abteilungsgruppen |
Dynamische OU Gruppen |
Systemvoraussetzungen für den Download von DynamicGroup
Die folgenden Anforderungen müssen erfüllt sein:
- Microsoft Windows Server 2016, 2019 oder 2022 (Konsole und Service)
ODER: Microsoft Windows 10 oder 11 (Konsole) - Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8
- Zugang zu und Mitglied des Domänennetzwerks
- Kein Domain Controller: Wenn Sie Dynamic Group auf einem Domain Controller installieren und versuchen, die Konsole zu starten, wird Dynamic Group dies erkennen und den Start verhindern. Dies ist eine Sicherheits-Funktion, da viele Vorgänge (wie Schemaerweiterung oder Zugriff auf das Ereignisprotokoll) erweiterte Rechte benötigen, die nicht jederzeit verfügbar sind. Bitte installieren Sie Dynamic Group auf einem Mitgliedsserver oder Client mit den oben genannten Anforderungen.
Download Lizenz DynamicGroup
- 30 Tage Testversion
- Voller Funktionsumfang
- Es gelten die AGB und EULA der FirstAttribute AG.
- FirstWare DynamicGroup 5.0.2
- Release / Letztes Update : 7.11.2023
- Subscription-Modell (Vertrag für 12 Monate oder 36+ Monate; individuelle Absprachen)
- Basierend auf der Anzahl der Benutzerobjekte (Managed User)
Bitte senden Sie uns eine kurze Anfrage für ein passendes Angebot:
2024-01-29+++ Release DynamicGroup 5.0.3
Renewal of software certificate to confirm that FirstAttribute / DynamicGroup is a trustworthy company and product.
2023-11-03+++ Release DynamicGroup 5.0.2
DynamicGroup Console
- Optimiziation of AD queries with options for customer-specific forest features
- Improvement of SchemaExtension
- Extension of priority sorting
- MemberAdd: Improvement of audit log
- Further updates, optimizations and minor bug fixes have been implemented.
2023-03-01+++ Release DynamicGroup 5
Major release with focus on performance improvements to create and manage large AD groups.
New Features
- Better usability
- New search function in the top menu bar
- Easy renaming of saved queries
- New option: Duplicate query
- Extended filter functions
- [never]-filter added to „Value“-field under „Query Condition“
- Complete time filters available
Windows Server 2022 compatibility
- DynamicGroup 5 officially supports Windows Server 2022
- Updated documentation: New features included
System requirements & Bugfixes
- .NET Framework was updated to 4.8
- A different LDAP port can now be specified in the configuration file. This allows DynamicGroup to be used with LDAPS (port 636).
- During the service installation, other drives can be selected for environments where the installation is not to take place on the C operating system drive.
- FirstWare DynamicGroup 5 includes a number of bugfixes from the previous version.
2020-09-29+++ Release DynamicGroup 2020.0.2
- Domain check for group nesting incorrect
2020-01-01+++ Release DynamicGroup 2020.0.1
New Features
- Delegation Mode
- OU based delegation
- Assign Admin Administration tasks to local helpdesk
- Change Group Name
- Refresh AD Tree and Group List
- We will no longer support Server 2008 as well as Windows Vista and Windows 7
- Updated documentation: New features included
- FirstWare DynamicGroup 2020 includes a number of bugfixes from the previous version.
2019-08-28 +++ Release DynamicGroup 2018.0.139.7869
- Error while deleting multiple deleted objects from the include / exclude list at the same time
2019-06-12 +++ Release DynamicGroup 2018.0.138.7867
- FirstWare DynamicGroup 2018 includes a number of bugfixes from the previous version.
2019-06-06 +++ Release DynamicGroup 2018.0.136.7864
- Application of the search filter is now possible on Boolean attributes
2018-12-13 +++ Release DynamicGroup 2018.0.134.7846
DynamicGroup Console
- Hotfix include-/exclude lists with deleted objects
2018-11-13 +++ Release DynamicGroup 2018.0.127.7838
DynamicGroup Console
- Updated compatitbility for special character replacement in the LDAP query
2018-09-25 +++ Release DynamicGroup 2018.0.122.7823
Bastion support
- Privileged Access Management Accounts from AD Bastion admin environment support
2018-04-01 +++ Release DynamicGroup 2018.0
Dynamic Group Console
- Added new self-creating groups and mass editing functionalities
- Developed new „Smart Creation Wizard“ to create groups based on attributes and OUs
- Developed new „Bulk Import Wizard“ which allows the upload of multiple groups to the console based on csv files
- Added „Copy Group“ function to copy dynamic groups as templates
- New option to create prefixes which can be added to the group name when creating a new group
- Now possible to delete multiple groups at once
- Automatic special character replacement in the LDAP query
Windows Server 2016 compatibility and security
- With the new server version from Microsoft, extended firewall rules were made standard that prevented Dynamic Group from installing the service remotely. This issue has been resolved and the service can be installed and used normally in Windows Server 2016 environments.
- The DynamicGroup Console will not start any longer if it is installed on a domain controller. This is to prevent certain security issues, since DynamicGroup would require elevated rights for many operations on a domain controller.
- Updated documentation: New features included
- FirstWare DynamicGroup 2018 includes a number of bugfixes from the previous version.
2017-05-31 +++ Release DynamicGroup 2015.2.49.7270
Dynamic Group Console
- Updated filter compatibility for older versions using ‚/‘ in LDAP filtersCorrec
2017-03-22 +++ Release DynamicGroup 2015.2
Dynamic Group Console
- If you changed both Query Conditions and LDAP filter manually in any query settings before saving, Dynamic Group will now ask you to convert them first to make sure which one to use
- Corrected various spelling and grammar mistakes
- If you change an existing condition in the Query Builder for the Member Query or OU Filter, the Apply button will now be correctly enabled
- If you change the SamAccountName (Group Name) of an existing group, the Common Name (cn) will automatically be set to the same value
- If there are any special characters in the SamAccountName while creating a group, these special characters will be removed by Dynamic Group
Dynamic Group Service
- Previously, the Dynamic Group Service ignored any group that had no member filter, so groups using only Include/Exclude lists were not calculated by the service
- This was changed due to the fact that a) it is allowed to do that in the Console and b) it is a useful tool when simply trying to reduce group nesting with the Flat Group option
- Updated documentation with changes in this update
- Added a chapter on how to use special characters (e.g. brackets) in LDAP filters
- Minor Bugs have been fixed
2015-11-26 +++ Release DynamicGroup 2015.1.37.4729
- „Update Group“ Button disabled for regular groups
- Performance: List of dynamic groups in service will be deleted after each run now
- Service reinitialization after each recalculation of the service timer
- Service reinitialization in interval mode only when the interval period changed
2015-10-14 +++ Release DynamicGroup 2015.1
New Features
- Item Counter in the MemberOf Tab
- Refresh button & Update now button
- Install Service
- Default setting changed
- Info added
- Install Service: install path calculation changed
- Pop up windows with success messages
- installation
- license installation
- save/change of groups
- Pop up warning messages
- Initial Configuration: Integrated lists
- Extend schema
- Object search: drop down list to switch classes
- Group Preview: Information on red groups added (out of group scope)
- Attribute selection for lists and settings: systemOnly attributes not visible anymore
- 5 minor cosmetical corrections
- 8 minor bugs fixed
2015-09-01 +++ Release DynamicGroup 2015.0
- Major Release